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Object Fit

Utilities for controlling the element's respond to the height and width of its content box.

Work in progress!

More detailed documentation is coming soon, but in the meantime here's a quick class reference.

Class reference

Class Properties
.object-contain object-fit: contain;
.object-cover object-fit: cover;
.object-fill object-fit: fill;
.object-none object-fit: none;
.object-scale-down object-fit: scale-down;


Responsive and State Variants

By default, no responsive, hover, focus, active, or group-hover variants are generated for object-fit utilities.

You can control which variants are generated for the object-fit utilities by modifying the objectFit property in the modules section of your Tailwind config file.

For example, this config will generate responsive, hover and focus variants:

// ...
modules: {
    // ...
-   objectFit: false,
+   objectFit: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus', 'active', 'group-hover'],